
Sample Event

This is a sample event. It could be to announce an essential oils intro class, business meeting, party... The sky is the limit!

Event Description

The event pages (when done correctly) can also show up in Google search! The more specific an event is, the better. Let’s say your niche is essential oils and animals. Can that be narrowed dow?

Maybe a class on essential oils for canines, or even a specific breed? Essential oils for Golden Retrievers. Great. Repeat these keywords in the event and place them in the Schema info of the event to help it ranked in Google.

Date & Time
Starts On: 02/12/2019 at 1:00 AM
Ends: 02/24/2019 at 1:00 AM
(Muliple day event)
Venue: Kyler's Home
Address: 1047 4th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90403
Register For This Event
Remaining Spots: 10
Number of Attendees:

There are 1 organizers for this event

Kyler Boudreau

YL #1325148